Double degrees and Erasmus Mundus Joint Master degrees

Double degrees

The student registers at home university and is exempted from registration fees in the partner university, according to the terms and conditions of the cooperation agreement.
The student has to go on mobility in the partner university within the framework of a determined course.
In case of academic achievement, the student will be delivered both the diploma from the Nantes Université and the diploma from the partner university.

Law and Political Sciences

Master dual degree program (1st year) in Law with:
  • United Kingdom and Ireland: Franco-British and Irish course with Cardiff Law School, University of Nottingham, University of Bristol, Universitty of Limerick, Griffith College, Maynooth University.
  • Italy : French-Italian course with Università degli Studi dell' Insubria
Master dual degree program (1st and 2nd years) in European and International studies wtih 3 Languages, in partnership with :
  • Italy : Università degli Studi dell' Insubria

For further information, contact the international relations office.

Management and Economics

Bachelor dual degree program (3rd year) and Master (1st year) in Political and Economic Analysis with: 
  • Spain : University of Valence
Master dual degree program (1st year) in Management with:
  • Egypt : French University of Egypt

Master dual degree program (2nd year) in Management with:

  • China : Chongqing University

For further information, contact the international relations office.

Engineering, sciences

Dual degree program in Engineering between Polytech Nantes and the following partner universities:
  • China : South China University of Technology, Ocean University of China
  • Lebanon: Faculté de Génie de l'Université Libanaise
  • Canada : Ecole de Technologie Supérieure (Montréal)
  • Tunisia : Université de Tunis El Manar (ENIT)
  • United-Kingdom: Heriot-Watt University

Master dual programs in several International Masters, in partnership with :

  • China : Shanghai Maritime University, South China University of Technology, Guangdong University of Technology, Ocean University of China, Beijing University of Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xidian University
  • India : Birla Professional Training & Research Centre, BKBlET Campus, Graphic Era Hill University
  • Iran : Amirkabir University of Technology
  • Lebanon: American University of Culture and Education

Master Dual Degree in Thermal Sciences and Energy, in partnership with :

  • India : University of Petroleum and Energy studies
Master dual degree program in Wireless Embedded Technologies (WET) with :
  • Russia : Tomsk State University of Radioelectronics

Master dual degree program in Computer science - Track Optimisation in Operations Research with :

  • Belgium : Université Libre de Bruxelles

For further information, contact the international relations office.

Master dual degree program in civil engineering (track Public Works and Maintenance) en partenariat avec:

  • Colombie: Universidad del Norte

For further information, contact the international relations service


Master dual degree program in Psychology – Child and Teenager Psychology with :

  • Tunisia : Université de Tunis
For further information, contact the international relations office.

Bachelor dual degree program in Sociology (3rd year) with :
  • Italy : Università degli Studi di Trento
For further information, contact the international relations office.

Master dual degree program in Geography - Planning, environment, development with :
  • Gabon : Omar Bongo University
  • Ivory Coast: Institut Universitaire d'Abidjan

For further information, contact the international relations office.

Master dual program in Education sciences with :
  • Tunisia : University of Tunis

For further information, contact the departement of education sciences.

French and Foreign languages and cultures

Master dual degree program in Language sciences - French as a foreign language with:
  • Colombia : Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

For further information, contact the departement of Language sciences.

Master dual degree program in Cultural Medication and International communication with:

  • Italy : Università per Stranieri di Perugia

Master dual degree in Civilisation, Cultures and Societies - Cultural practices analysis with:

  • Germany : Heinrich-Heine-Üniversität Düsseldorf
  • Austria : University of Vienna

Master dual degree in Applied Foreign Languages – International Supply Chain management, with:

  • Russia : Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)

For further information, contact the international relations office.

INSPE - Teaching Education

Master dual degree program in Teaching and Education (speciality : international contexts) with :

  • Brésil : Université de Brasilia

Contact the international relations office.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees

Erasmus Mundus Master Degree in AquaCulture, Environment and Society Plus (ACES +) with:
  • University of the Highlands and Islands (UK)
  • University of Crete (Greece)
  • Radbound University (the Netherlands)

More information here.

Mis à jour le 28 June 2024.