Personnel de l'université

Ignacio ANEGON

Directeur de l'INSERM UMR 643 Directeur de Recherche INSERM Coordinateur d'équipe à l'INSERM UMR 643


INSERM UMR 643 CHU de Nantes 30, boulevard Jean Monnet Nantes 44093 France


Discipline(s) enseignée(s)


Thèmes de recherche

Immunregulation, immunologie de la transplantation d'organes, tolérance immune, transfert de gènes, transgenèse

Activités / CV

Birthdate.                             29/8/56, Montevideo, Uruguay.


Medical Doctor by the University of Uruguay (1982).

Post doctoral fellow at the Immunology Department, 1982-1985. Clinical Hospital of the University of Barcelona, Spain.

Associate Scientist at The Wistar Institute, University of Pennsylvania, 1985-1988.

Visiting Scientist at the INSERM Unit 211 (Poste vert), 1988-1989. Nantes,France.

Professor at the Programa de Desarollo de Ciencias Basicas of Uruguay (UNESCO).

Permanent position, Charge de Recherche de 2ème et 1ère classe, INSERM U211 and U437, Nantes,France (1989-2002).

Permanent position, Directeur de Recherche 2ème classe, INSERM U643, Nantes, France (2002-).

Visiting scientist,November-December 2005, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA.

 Director INSERM Unit 643 (2008-present)


 Member of Editorial Boards

 Inmunologia (Journal of the Spanish Society for Immunology) (1993-2000)

European Cytokine Network (Journal of the European Society of Cytokines)(1997-present).

Transplantation (Journal of The Transplantation Society International)(2000-2004).

Current Gene Therapy (2001-2003).

Transgenic Research (2005-present).

Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int (2006-present).

The Current Opinion in Biotechnology (2007-present)

The Open Biotechnology Journal (2007-present)

The Open Biology Journal(2007-present)

The Open Hematology Journal(2007-present)

The Open Chemical and Biomedical Methods Journal (2008-present)

The Transplantation Journal(2008-present)

Editor-in-Chief ofthe bimestrial Current Gene Therapy (2004-présent) [Bentham Publishers(Oak Park, IL, USA),peer-reviewed, indexed en PubMed, point d'impact 2007=4.45]


« Rat genomics: geneidentification, functional genomics and disease models (Editor: I. Anegon;Series: Methods in Molecular Biology; Editorial: Humana Press, USA) forpublication in 2008.


        Company Jouan forthe prizes  Thérapie Génique  (1999-présent).

-        Basic Science Committee of the European Society forOrgan Transplantation (ESOT) (2003-présent).

-        Coordinateur de la plate-forme Exploration Fonctionnelle de l'Ouest-Génopole (2002-2003).

-        Scientific counsil of OUEST-Génopole (2003-présent).

-        Comité d'Orientation Stratégiques et de Suivi des Essais Cliniques (Cossec) enbiothérapies de l'INSERM (2005-2007 and 2007-2009).

-        Comission « Amérique latine du Comité Universitaire de Relations Internationales del'université de Nantes » (2005- présent).

-        Elected member (collège directeurs de recherche) to the general council of the Nantes School of Medicine (2005- 2007).

-        Basic Science Committee of The Transplantation Society(2006-present)

-        The Transplantation Society country leader for France(2006-present)

-        Advisory Board of the Milenium Nucleus on Immunology and Immunotherapy from Chile (2006-present).

-        Member of the ESOT General Council as representative of the Basic Science Committee (2007-2011).

-        Member of the Scientific council of the Nantes School of Medicine (2008-present)

-        Member of COSAS (Commission Opérationnelle de Suivi et d'Analyse Scientifique) du projet CPERRégion Pays de la Loire(2008-2011).

-        Representative of the to the Commission Sciences de la Vie du « Comité Consultatif Régional de la Recherche et duDéveloppement Technologique » (CCRRDT) Pays de la Loire (2008-présent).

-        Superior Council of the National Fund for Scientificand Technological Development (FONDECYT) of Chile.


-         Member of the Organizing Committee ofthe « 3rd International Congress on Xenotransplantation »,Nantes, France, 1998.

-         Chairman « The rat as experimental model », Nantes,2002.

-         Chairman meeting of OUEST-Genopole « Animal transgenesis », Nantes, France, 2004.

-         Chairman of the 9th meeting« Basic Sciences Symposium » of the Transplantation International Society, La Baule,France, 2005.

-         Member of the scientific committee of the « Post-graduate Course » de la European Societyfor Organ Transplantation (ESOT), Geneva, Switzerland, 2005.

-         Member of the scientific committee of the 10th « Basic Sciences Symposium » of the Transplantation International Society, Halifax, Canada, 2007.

-         Member of the scientific committee of the « Post-graduate Course » of the European Society for OrganTransplantation (ESOT), Prague, Czech Republic  2007.

-         Member of the Scientific Organizing Committee of the 11th meeting « Basic Sciences Symposium » of the Transplantation International Society, Brussels, Belgium, 2009.

-         Member of the Scientific Organizing Committee of the meeting of the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT), Paris,  2009.

-         Membre du Comité Organisateur du « First Joint Meeting of the French and Argentinian Immunology Societies », Buenos Aires,October 2010.


Informations complémentaires



115)                    CurtinJF, King GD, Barcia C, Liu C, Hubert FX, Guillonneau C, Josien R, Anegon I,Lowenstein PR, Castro MG. Flt3 ligand recruits plasmacytoid dendriticcells into the central nervous system. 2006. J. Immunol. 176:3566-77.


116)                    GongN, U. Pleyer, K. Vogt, I. Anegon,A. Flügel, H-D.Volk, T. Ritter. Local overexpression of nerve growth factor inrat cornea transplants improves allograft survival. 2007. Invest. Ophth. Vis.Sci. 48:1043-52.


117)                    C. Guillonneau, M. Hill,F-X. Hubert, E. Chiffoleau, C. Hervé, X-L Li, M. Heslan, C.Usal, L. Tesson, S. Ménoret, A. Saoudi, B. Le Mauff, R. Josien, M. C. Cuturiand I. Anegon. CD40Ig treatmentresults in allograft acceptance mediated by CD8+CD45RClowT cells, IFNg and indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase. 2007. J. Clin. Invest. 117 :1096-1106.

This manuscript wasdiscussed in the News and Views section of J. Clin. Invest. (J. Zhang, 2007,117: 871-873)


118)                    Marcelo Hill, Rachid Zagani, Cécile Voisine, Claire Usaland Ignacio Anegon. Nitirc oxide indoléamine 2,3 dioxygenase mediateCTLA4Ig-induced survival of graft heart allografts in rats. 2007. Transplantation. 84: 1060-3.


119)                    Dominique Chabannes, Marcelo Hill, Emmanuel Merieau,Julien Rossignol, Régis Brion, Jean Paul Soulillou, Ignacio Anegon andMaria Cristina Cuturi. A rolefor heme oxygenase 1 inthe immunosuppressive effect of adult rat and human mesenchymal stem cells. 2007. Blood. 110: 3691-3694.


120)                    ThebaultP, Condamine T, Heslan M, Hill M, Bernard I, Saoudi A, Josien R, Anegon I,Cuturi MC et Chiffoleau E. Role of IFNgamma in allograft tolerance mediated byCD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells by induction of IDO in endothelial cells. 2007. Am. J. Transplant. 7: 2472-82.


121)                    M. Hill, S. Tanguy-Royer,C. Chauveau, K. Asghar, P. Royer,  L.Tesson, F. Lavainne, S. Rémy, R. Brion, F-X. Hubert, M. Heslan, M. Rimbert, L. Berthelot, J.Moffett, R. Josien, M. Grégoire and I.Anegon.. Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase expands human CD4+CD25highregulatory T cells by promoting maturation of LPS-treated dendritic cells . 2007.Eur. J. of Immunol. 37:3054-62.


122)                    Dorothée Duluc, Yves Delneste, Fang Tan, Marie-Pierre Moles, Linda Grimaud,Julien Lenoir, Laurence Preisser, Ignacio Anegon, Laurent Catala,Norbert Ifrah, Philippe Descamps,Erick Gamelin, Hugues Gascan, Mohamed Hebbar, Pascale Jeannin. Tumor-associated leukemia inhibitory factor and IL-6 skew monocytedifferentiation into tumor-associated-macrophage-like cells. 2007.Blood, 110: 4319-30.


123)                    C. Guillonneau1, C. Séveno1, A-S. Dugast, X-L. Li, K.Renaudin, F. Haspot, C. Usal, J. Véziers, I.Anegon2 and B. Vanhove2. Anti-CD28 antibodies modifyregulatory mechanisms and reinforce tolerance in CD40Ig-treated heart allograftrecipients.2007. J. Immunol. 179: 8164-8171.

1 CG and CS contributed equally to this report and arelisted in alphabetical order.

2 IA and BV are both senior and corresponding authorsand are listed in alphabetical order.


124)                    ThomasLaumonier, Sheng Yang, Stephane Konig, Christine Chauveau, Ignacio Anegon,Pierre Hoffmeyer, Jacques Menetrey. Lentivirus mediated HO-1 gene transferenhances myogenic precursor cell survival after autologous transplantation inpig. 2008. Mol. Ther. 16:404-10


125)                    Xian-Liang Li, Séverine Ménoret, Brigitte LeMauff, Mathieu Angin, Ignacio Anegon. Promisesand obstacles for the blockade of CD40-CD40L interactions in allotransplantation. 2008.Transplantation. 86:10-5.


126)                    A.Toromanoff, Y. Chérel, M. Guilbaud, M. Penaud-Buldoo, R.O' Snyder, M. E.Haskins, J-Y. Deschamps, L. Guigand, G. Podevin, V.R Arruda, K. A . High, H. H.Stedman, F. Rolling, I Anegon, P Moullier, C Le Guiner. Safety andefficacy of regional intravenous (RI) versus intramuscular (IM) deliveryof rAAV1 and rAAV 1 and rAAV 8 to nonhuman primate skeletal muscle. 2008. Mol. Ther. 16: 1291-99.


127)                    J.Cozzi, A. Fraichard, V. Braun, A-C. Gross, C. Merrouche, I. Anegon, K. Thiam. Pronuclear DNA injection forthe production of transgenic rats. 2008. In Transgenesis, Third Edition. In theseries Methods in Molecular Biology. Published by Humana Press. 2008. in press.


128)                    Stéphanie Le Bas-Bernardet, Ignacio Anegon, Gilles Blancho. Progress and prospects: genetic engineering in xenotransplantation.2008. Gene Therapy, 15:1247-56.

Mis à jour le 23 juillet 2024.