Professeur émérite


Professeur dans l'équipe MIMM au sein de CEISAM UMR CNRS 6230 à l'UFR des Sciences. Co_Responsable de l'équipe MIMMI. Co-Responsable du Master 2 A3M, ouvert en alternance par contrat d'apprentissage


CEISAM, UMR CNRS6230, 2 rue de la Houssinière, BP 92208, Nantes 44322 cedex 3, France


Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

RMN, Assurance Qualité-Contrôle Qualité, Chimie bio-organique, Wet chemistry

Thèmes de recherche

Chimie analytique, Mesure des effets isotopiques, RMN quantitative.
Coordinateur des projets majeurs suivants : ANR "ISOTO-POL", projet régional 'stratégie internationale' PLAISIR, ANR "FRIIME". Partenaire du projet BPI France TOFoo sur l'authentification des produits bio.

Activités / CV

Quelques publications qui illustrent mes activités de recherche (

- Unexpected Fractionation in Site-Specific 13C Isotopic Distribution Detected by Quantitative 13C NMR at Natural Abundance

Eliot P. Botosoa, Elsa Caytan, Virginie Silvestre, Richard J. Robins, Serge Akoka, and Gérald S. Remaud

Journal  of American Chemical Society 2008, 130, 414-415

- Isotopic 13C NMR spectrometry to assess counterfeiting of active pharmaceutical ingredients: Site-specific 13C content of aspirin and paracetamol

Virginie Silvestre, Vanessa Maroga Mboula, Catherine Jouitteau, Serge Akoka, Richard J; Robins, Gérald Remaud

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2009, 50, 336-341

- Accurate quantitative isotopic 13C NMR spectroscopy for the determination of the intramolecular distribution of 13C in glucose at natural abundance

Alexis Gilbert, Virginie Silvestre, Richard J. Robins, Gérald S. Remaud

Analytical Chemistry 2009, 81, 8978-8985

- Performance evaluation of quantitative adiabatic 13C NMR pulse sequences for site-specific isotopic measurements

Christophe Thibaudeau, Gérald Remaud, Virginie Silvestre Serge Akoka

Analytical Chemistry 2010, 82, 5582-5590

- A 13C NMR spectrometric method to determine the intramolecular d13C values in fructose from plant sucrose samples.

A. Gilbert, V. Silvestre, R.J. Robins, G. Tcherkez, G.S. Remaud,

New Phytologist 2011, 191, 579-588

- The intramolecular 13C-distribution in ethanol reveals the influence of the CO2-fixation pathway and environmental conditions on the site-specific 13C variation in glucose.

A. Gilbert, V. Silvestre, N. Segebarth, G. Tcherkez, C. Guillou, R.J. Robins, S.  Akoka, G.S. Remaud,

Plant, Cell and Environment 2011, 34, 1104-1112

- Biochemical and physiological determinants of intramolecular isotope
patterns in sucrose from C3, C4 and CAM plants accessed by isotopic 13C NMR spectrometry: a viewpoint.

A. Gilbert, V. Silvestre, R.J. Robins, G.S. Remaud, G. Tcherkez

Nat. Prod. Rep., 2012, 29, 476-486

- Intramolecular 13C-pattern in hexoses from autotrophic and heterotrophic C3 plant tissues.

 Gilbert, A., Robins, R.J., Remaud, G.S., Tcherkez, G.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2012, 109 , 18204-18209.

- NMR spectrometry isotopic fingerprinting: A tool for the manufacturer for tracking Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients from starting materials to final medicines.

Gérald S. Remaud, Ugo Bussy, Michèle Lees, Freddy Thomas, Jean-Roger Desmurs, Eric Jamin, Virginie Silvestre, Serge Akoka.

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 48 (2013) 464-473

- Conditions to obtain precise and true measurements of the intramolecular 13C distribution in organic molecules by isotopic 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry.

K. Bayle, A. Gilbert, M. Julien, K. Yamada, V. Silvestre, R.J. Robins, S. Akoka, N. Yoshida, G.S. Remaud

Analytica Chimica Acta 846 (2014) 1-7.

- Insights into Mechanistic Models for Evaporation of Organic Liquids in the Environment Obtained by Position-Specific Carbon Isotope Analysis.

M. Julien, P. Nun, R.J. Robins, G.S. Remaud, J. Parinet, P. Höhener

Environ. Sci. Technol. 49 12782-12788 (2015).

A retro-biosynthetic approach to the prediction of biosynthetic pathways from position-specific isotope analysis as shown for tramadol

K.M. Romeka, P. Nun, G.S. Remaud, V. Silvestre, G. Sotoing Taïwe, F. Lecerf-Schmidt, A. Boumendjeld, M. De Waarde, R.J. Robins

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112 8296-8301 (2015).

Authentication of edible fats and oils by non-targeted C-13 INEPT NMR spectroscopy

S. Guyader, F. Thomas, V. Portaluri, E. Jamin, S. Akoka, V. Silvestre, G. S. Remaud, Food Cont. 91, 216-224 (2018).

Position-specific N-15 isotope analysis in organic molecules: A high-precision N-15 NMR method to determine the intramolecular N-15 isotope composition and fractionation at natural abundance

V. Joubert, V. Silvestre, M. Lelièvre, V. Ladroue, F. Besacier, S. Akoka, G. S. Remaud, Magn. Reson. Chem. 57, 1136-1142 (2019).

NMR-based isotopic and isotopomic analysis

S. Akoka, G. S. Remaud. Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc. 120-121, 1-24 (2020).

Mis à jour le 29 janvier 2025.