• 22 mars 2021 > 26 mars 2021
    de 15:00 à 17:00
    false false
  • Du lundi 22 au vendredi 26 mars 2021 de 15h00 à 17h00 Central European Time (10:00 to 12:00 US Eastern Time)

Colloque en anglais organisé par l'Université de Notre Dame, Indiana (États-Unis) et le projet ERC "The European Qur’an” de l'Université de Nantes.

International Workshop: Qur’an and Bible

Originating in similar but not identical linguistic, geographical, cultural, and religious contexts, Qur’an and Bible stand in a complex relationship to each other. They share stylistic, narrative and cultic features, but also differ in fundamental ways. The Qur’an invokes the Bible and Biblical stories repeatedly and positions itself in a relationship of confirmation and fulfillment to the Judeo-Christian tradition, occasionally amending what it claims was distorted and manipulated by Christians and Jews.

This relationship of Qur’an and Bible has intrigued, and often scandalised, Muslim, Jewish and Christian scholars alike. The shared narratives of Bible and Qur’an were both starting points for polemical interactions and platforms for dialogue. As products of the same linguistic family and of a similar cultural context, Qur’an and Biblical literature offer relevant information for Muslim, Jewish and Christian exegetes. They could function as linguistic archives, and provide historical information about the natural, geographical, cultural and religious world in which Bible and Qur’an originated. Even stylistic and aesthetic characteristics of Qur’an and Bible could be understand through the style of the other revelation.

This workshop will explore the changing ways in which Medieval and Early Modern Jewish, Christian and Muslim readers relate Biblical literature and Quran.How did medieval and early modern readers assess the relationship between the two scriptures? How did they account for narrative parallels as well as the differences they found in them?

Provisional Program

Mis à jour le 13 septembre 2021.