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Maître de conférences en Chimie à l'Université de Nantes


CEISAM UMR CNRS 6230 UFR des Sciences et des Techniques Université de Nantes 2 rue de la Houssinière BP 92208 44322 NANTES Cedex 3 France

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Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Chimie générale - Rédaction de documents scientifiques avec LaTeX (UED)

Thèmes de recherche

Développer et utiliser des techniques RMN multi-impulsionnelles pour la quantification d'aimantations ainsi que de phénomènes de relaxation

Activités / CV

Publications les plus significatives

V. JOUBERT, V. SILVESTRE, V. LADROUE, F. BESACIER, P. BLONDEL, S. AKOKA, E. BAGUET et G. S. REMAUD "Forensic application of position-specific isotopic analysis of trinitrotoluene (TNT) by NMR to determine 13C and 15N intramolecular isotopic profiles" Talanta 213 (2020) 120819.

E. BAGUET "Refinement of the inversion-transfer NMR experiment for faster characterization of chemical exchange" Magn. Reson. Chem. 54 (2016) 51-57.

A. P. ATKINSON, E. BAGUET, N. GALLAND, J.-Y. LE QUESTEL, A. PLANCHAT, J. GRATON. "Structural features and hydrogen-bond properties of galanthamine and codeine: an experimental and theoretical study." Chem. Eur. J. 17 (2011) 11637-11649.

P. GIRAUDEAU, N. GUIGNARD, E. HILLION, E. BAGUET et S. AKOKA. "Optimization of homonuclear 2D NMR for fast quantitative analysis : application to tropine-nortropine mixtures" J. Pharmaceut. Biomed. Anal. 43 (2007) 1243-1248.

N. PINEDA ALONSO,  H. DESAL,  E. BAGUET,  F. TOULGOAT; S. AKOKA "Accurate Determination of Concentrations by Localized Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy " Instrumentation Science & Technology 36 (2007) 71-80.

P. GIRAUDEAU et E. BAGUET. "Improvement of the inverse-gated-decoupling sequence for a faster quantitative analysis of various samples by 13C NMR spectroscopy." J. Magn. Reson. 180 (2006) 110-117.

P. GIRAUDEAU, J.L. WANG et E. BAGUET. "Improvement of the inverse-gated-decoupling sequence for a faster quantitative analysis by 13C NMR" C.R.. Chimie 9 (2006), 525-529

E. BAGUET, S. AKOKA Evaluation of analytical decoupling for quantitative analysis of high resolution NMR spectra. C. R. Chimie 7 (2004) 343-348 .

N. KARABULUT,  E. BAGUET, M. TRIERWEILER., S. AKOKA, Optimization of experimental conditions for quantitative analysis using DEPT sequence. Analytical Letters, 34 (15) (2002) 2549-2563.

S. MARKAI , P. MARCHAND, F. MABON, E. BAGUET , I. BILLAULT, R.J.ROBINS, Natural deuterium distribution in branched-chain medium-length fatty acids is nonstatistical: A site-specific study by quantitative 2H NMR spectroscopy of the fatty acids of capsaicinoids. ChemBioChem 3(2-3) (2002) 212-218.

F. MESNARD, A. ROSCHER, A. GARLICK, S. GIRARD , E. BAGUET., R. ARROO, J. LEBRETON, R.J. ROBINS, G. RATCLIFFE Evidence for the involvement of tetrahydrofolate in the demethylation of nicotine by Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cell-suspension cultures. Planta 214 (6) (2002) 911-919.  

E. BAGUET, Analysis of water mobility by triple-quantum filtered 17O NMR: toward a better comprehension of water behavior in the presence of dissolved proteins. in Recent Res. Devel. Biophys. Chem, 2 (2001) 125-139.

S. BESNARD et E. BAGUET, "Recent developments in the characterization of water interacting with proteins by 17O NMR". Comptes Rendus Acad. Sciences 4(10) (2001) 771-774.

A. LEHOUX, M. KRZYSTYNIAK et E. BAGUET "A Faster Way to Characterize by Triple-Quantum-Filtered 17O NMR water Molecules Strongly Bound to Macromolecules in Solution" J. Magn. Reson. 148 (2001) 11-22  

E. BAGUET et N. HENNEBERT : "Characterisation by triple-quantum filtered 17O NMR of water molecules buried in lysozyme and trapped in a lysozyme-inhibitor complex" Biophys. Chem , 1999, 77, 111-121.

Simultaneous quantification of free and esterified cholesterol extracted from plasma by 13C NMR spectroscopy. Analusis  27 (1999) 876-881.

E. BAGUET ET C. ROBY : "Off-resonance irradiation effect in steady-state NMR saturation transfer" J. Magn. Reson. 128 (1997) 149.

E. BAGUET, N. HENNEBERT, B. E. CHAPMAN, A. M. TORRES ET P. W. KUCHEL : "Mobility of water in biological systems studied by 17O NMR via multiple-quantum filtered relaxation analysis" Magn. Reson. Chem. 35 (1997) S47 .

E. BAGUET, B. E. CHAPMAN, A. TORRES ET P. W. KUCHEL : " Determination of the bound water fraction in cells and protein solutions using 17O - water multiple-quantum filtered relaxation analysis." J. Magn. Reson. Series B 111 (1996) 1 .

E. BAGUET, B. E. CHAPMAN ET P. W. KUCHEL : "Fraction of H217O bound to macromolecules measured by triple quantum NMR" Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance, ISMAR 1995 Proceedings.

E. BAGUET ET C. ROBY : "Fast inversion-recovery measurements in presence of a saturating field for a two-spin system in chemical exchange" J. Magn. Reson. Series A 108 (1994) 189 .

Informations complémentaires

Domaines de compétences  

Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire
  • Utilisation des spectromètres : Bruker (DRX, Topspin) et Varian (Unity 400 et 500).
  • Logiciels PC Bruker Win-NMR et Mestrec


  • Systèmes d'exploitation : UNIX,  Windows.
  • Programmation : Langage "C", Fortran.
  • Maîtrise de logiciels divers : Mathematica ...
  • Ecriture de textes scientifiques avec LaTeX
Mis à jour le 31 mai 2024.