Arnold Magdelaine 2022

Personnel de l'université


Chargé de mission Développement et Prospective Stratégique


Présidence de Nantes Université

0272648835 (n° interne : 218835)
Site internet

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Co-responsable de l’Unité d’enseignement « Ingénierie de projets de développement pédagogique » au sein du Master en sciences de l’éducation et de la formation, parcours Technologies de l’éducation et de la formation de l’Université Rennes 2 depuis 2022

Thèmes de recherche

Doctorant au Centre de recherche en éducation, apprentissage et didactique de Rennes, sous la direction de Julie Denouël, mon domaine d'étude concerne la prospective stratégique et territoriale dans la gouvernance universitaire : une approche basée sur les instruments de l'action publique. Le projet de recherche doctorale prend appui sur les travaux consacrés à l’évolution des formes de gouvernance et de configuration universitaire mais aussi ceux consacrés à l’évolution des démarches de prospective dans la conduite du changement de l’action publique. Fondée sur une approche sociologique des instruments d’action publique dans l’enseignement supérieur (Denouël, 2023 ; Halpern et al., 2014 ; Lascoumes, le Galès, 2005), cette thèse a pour objectif principal de questionner la nature, les usages et les effets de la prospective stratégique et territoriale (Godet et Durance, 2011), à la fois comme technique d’opérationnalisation locale d’instruments d’action publique nationaux et composante des configurations universitaires transformatives (Mignot-Gérard et al., 2019) actuelles.

Activités / CV

  • Master degree Instructional design and adult training strategies Rennes University  // Engineering, Technology in Education and Training Rennes University
  • Forecast management of jobs and skills - Training in a skill logic (CEGOS, Human Resources and skills management)
  • Explanation interview training (GREX - Explicitation research group VERMERSCH) –
  • International change management meetings, ESSEC (2013, 2014, 2015 by AUTISSIER & MOUTOT)
  • Research Methodology - Scientific Integrity in the Research Profession, Université de Bordeaux 
  • Masterclass "Building Solidarities", Grande Ecole des Solidarités (Askoria, EHESP, SciencesPo Rennes, Université Rennes 2)
  • Knowledge transfer: fostering research-informed practices and policies, offered by the Université de Montréal and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement and co-developed by the RENARD team, a Quebec transdisciplinary group working in the "science of knowledge transfer"
  • Service Design/Design Thinking, offered by EDNA 
  • Phd candidate at Université Rennes 2 - CREAD (EA 3875)


  • Lecturer in human and social sciences, management sciences and public health since 2008
  • Manager of Instructional design and innovation projects, EHESP School of Rennes 2009 – 2015
  • Head of Learning and teaching center, EHESP School of Rennes 2015 – 2017
  • Head of Pedagogical development center, Nantes University 2017 - 2023
  • Co-leader of the BLOC 5 course Diagnose and design an educational development project (From 2022 onwards for the Master's degree in Education and Training Sciences, Education and Training Technology pathway)
  • Head of Strategic development and foresight for the management and political teams since 2023


  • Committee Member of International Conference on Educational Technologies 2012- 2017
  • National coordinator of the steering committee "Development of skills for training professionals" within the Network of Public Service Schools (RESP) – since 2012-2015
  • Chair of sessions and reviewer of QPES, AIPU, OpenEducation Global, AUPTIC, SAPES, RIPES, RSM Press (international scientific congresses and journals) Since 2012
  • Vice-president of association “ASKORIA” since 2020 – Company administrator since 2015 and since 2019 Board Unit 
  • Chair of national association “Réseau des SUP” – 2018-2019
  • Chair of national association “AIPU France” - since 2020 (Company administrator since 2018 and President during 2020-2024)
  • Chair of experts‘ panel and Quality/Governance/Education expert  for AEQES (independent public sector agency for quality assurance in higher education, practising formative evaluation based on a dialogue between all stakeholders within the Wallonia-Brussels Federation) –  2019 - 2022
  • Member of the pedagogical committee of the Leadership Chair in Higher Education of Université Laval (QC) - since 2021
  • Member of Obvia since 2022
  • Member of SHRE since 2024
  • Member of AECSE since 2024

Qualified person and expert producer

  • Member of a specialized interministerial committee on health and social terminology,
  • Expert in the creation of an accreditation agency for training in public health in Brazil (ENSP FioCruz),
  • Auditor College of Advanced Studies in Sustainable Development,
  • Expert for various training reforms and their deployment at national level,
  • Member of various ThinkTanks in Health, Human Sciences, Companies and Organizations 

Quality auditor and "training" consultant on various international projects

  • Leonardo, Erasmus + in the area of disability and social participation
  • FCRIN in the field of clinical research
  • International support of different institutions for the transformation and development of new uses in pedagogy (Algeria, Argentina, Belgium, Paraguay, Quebec, El Salvador, Switzerland, Vietnam)
Mis à jour le 08 juillet 2024.