Personnel de l'université


PUPH de Physiologie Cardiologue


Laboratoire d'Explorations Fonctionnelles Hotel Dieu RdC Haut 44093 Nantes Cedex 1


Discipline(s) enseignée(s)


Thèmes de recherche

Valvulopathies: Génétique, Physiopathologie, Thérapeutique, Pronostic, Relations avec l'hémostase Cardiomyopathies Hypertrophiques Echocardiographie Physiologie de l'exercice

Activités / CV

Le Tourneau Thierry
PU-PH de Physiologie


Parcours Professionnel:
-CHU de Lille, 1994-2009
-Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, Etats-Unis, 2008

Statut Actuel:

PU-PH de Physiologie, Explorations Fonctionnelles, Institut du Thorax, CHU et Faculté de Médecine de Nantes 
Equipe Inserm U1087 « Génétique des Pathologies cardio-vasculaires »



Diplôme d'état de Docteur en Médecine, Université de Lille II                         1995

DES de Pathologie Cardio-Vasculaire, Lille II                                                 1995
DESC de Médecine Vasculaire, Lille II                                                           1998


DEA Biologie et Physiologie de la Circulation et de la Respiration,  Paris II      1996

Thèse d'Université, Université de Lille II                                                          2002

HDR, université de Lille II                                                                               2006


-Enhanced monocyte tissue factor response after experimental balloon angioplasty in the hypercholesterolemic rabbit. Inhibition with dietary L-arginine. Circulation 1998
-Role of Nitric Oxide in restenosis after experimental balloon angioplasty in the hypercholesterolemic rabbit : Effects on neointimal hyperplasia and vascular remodeling. JACC1999
-Effect of mitral valve surgery on exercise capacity, ventricular ejection fraction and neurohormonal activation in patients with severe mitral regurgitation. JACC 2000
-Anterior chordal transection impairs not only regional left ventricular function but also right ventricular function in mitral regurgitation. Circulation 2001

-Acquired von Willebrand syndrome in aortic stenosis. Determinants and clinical implications. N Engl J Med 2003                                      

-Prospective aortic screening in patients with coronary aneurysms. JACC 2006

-Functional impairment of von Willebrand Factor in Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Relation to rest and exercise obstruction. Circulation 2008

-Impact of Left Atrial Volume on Clinical Outcome in organic Mitral Regurgitation. JACC 2010
-Atherosclerotic-like processes in aortic stenosis: possible role of tissue factor and thrombin in valve mineralization. Atherosclerosis 2010
-Intracoronary autologous mononucleated bone marrow cell infusion for severe acute myocardial infarction: results of the randomized muticenter BONAMI trial. Eur Heart J 2011
Aortic Valve Stenosis in Community Medical Practice: Determinants of Outcome and Implications for Aortic Valve Replacement. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012
-Clinical context and mechanism of functional tricuspid regurgitation in patients with and without pulmonary hypertension. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging 2012
-Developmental basis for filamin-A-associated myxomatous mitral valve disease. Cardiovasc Res 2012
-Right Ventricular Systolic Function in Organic Mitral Regurgitation. Impact of Biventricular Impairment. Circulation 2013
-Valvular dystrophy associated FlnA mutations reveal a new role of the first repeats of FlnA in small-GTPase regulation. BBA Molecular Cell Research. 2013

Mis à jour le 11 octobre 2024.